On Wed, Jul 09, 2014 at 12:26:17PM +0200, Davide DB wrote:
> Hi all,
> While downloading I noticed this checkbox "Always prefer downloaded dives".
> Actually in the Italian translation is "Preferisci sempre immersioni
> scaricate".
> I had to read the use manual to understand it's meaning.
> If the checkbox Always prefer downloaded dives has been checked and, during
> download, dives with identical date-times exist on the dive computer and on
> the Subsurface Dive List panel, the record in the Subsurface divelog will
> be overwritten by the record from the dive computer
> At the beginning I thought it was just a weird translation but the English
> version doesn't look better to me. English is not my mother tongue so I
> don't discuss it but the Italian translation really means nothing.
> "Sovrascrivi le immersioni del logbook" (Overwrite logbook dives)
> or
> "Precedenza alle immersioni scaricate" (Priority to downloaded dives)
> would be better translation in Italian.
> Is there some Italian guys here to exchange some opinion?

We maintain translations at Transifex. We'd love to have you join the
Italien translation team there and help us make things better!

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