On 10 July, 2014 - Henrik Brautaset Aronsen wrote:

> Henrik Brautaset Aronsen wrote:
> >Joakim Bygdell wrote:
> >>
> >>This sounds very much like ticket #584.
> >>
> >
> >Indeed it does!  I've linked my issue (#611) to yours.
> >
> >By the way, you're from Umeå, right?  I'm visiting Sweden this weekend to
> >dive in this beautiful spot again: https://vimeo.com/92174937
> >
> >Just a short 10 hour drive from your location, come visit ;)
> (Ooops, make that barely 7 hours)

You can be sure, that diving site is on my to-dive list =)

Tuna-Hästberg, Sala Silvergruva, Plura, Litjågå and a couple of other
sites =)

Anyhow, thats for another time. Next planned diving trip goes to Narvik
and if everything goes as planned, Erich Giese =)


Anton Lundin    +46702-161604
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