On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 10:16:02PM +0200, Anton Lundin wrote:
> On 14 July, 2014 - Davide DB wrote:
> > Surely has been discussed in the past...
> > 
> > Is there some way that some events could be hidden by default?
> > Same apply to profile curve colors.
> Hmm... Write a feature ticket about it and we will see. You can always
> remove your events manually so you don't need to see them ever again.

Yes, we need a better system to hide events. That is the one thing that we
had in 3.x that we haven't done yet in 4.x.
NOT FOR 4.2. No discussion on that. But right afterwards.

> > I don't like to see ascent alarms on my profiles. I find them meaningless
> > especially those at depth: I use a simple bottom timer or a computer in
> > gauge mode so I would avoid to see them.
> > Right now I can hide them manually later .
> > Could we add a checkbox in the preference panel to not calculate them?
> > I remember that some DC has a different ascent ratio based on depth.
> Subsurface doesn't add any accent speed alarms. They come from your
> dive computer. Ex. A Suunto Vyper logs accent speed alarms even in Gauge
> mode, so your computer is probably doing that to.


> > Regarding colours: is it possible to hide descent/ascent speed colour?
> > Maybe via a preference checkbox?
> > Personally I find these colours distracting for tech dives and I would like
> > having a nice drwan profile curve like the optionals on the bottom part.
> Again, write a feature ticket about it and it might happen. Its probably
> not that common that users likes such a "feature" and it might just be
> clogging up the preferences panel, but hey, we can always think about
> it.

This should be trivial to implement, again, not for 4.2 but I'm fine with
adding this afterwards.

> Maybe in black and white mode, but hey, i like colours =)

Me too. I think the colored profile is one of the main features. But then
again, some people don't like ice cream.

We already have a couple of preference options that deal with color
choices (like the red vs. beige ceilign), we can add it there.

I repeat. AFTER 4.2

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