On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 1:10 PM, Dirk Hohndel <d...@hohndel.org> wrote:
> Diffs of these XML files are such a pain... with the added level of
> indentation it's almost impossible to tell what really changed...
> Someone needs to figure out a better way to visualize such changes.

*if* we port the MainWindow to QML *after* Qt 5.4 is released ( two or
three versions from now ) it will be much easier to follow the diffs.

> /D
> On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 11:58:01AM +0400, Sergey Starosek wrote:
>> - apply vertical layout to top-level dialog. This solves label clipping
>> - call adjustSize() on dialog to fit all labels (translated text could
>>   be longer than original)
>> Signed-off-by: Sergey Starosek <sergey.staro...@gmail.com>
>> ---
>>  qt-ui/usersurvey.cpp |   1 +
>>  qt-ui/usersurvey.ui  | 306 
>> +++++++++++++++++++--------------------------------
>>  2 files changed, 117 insertions(+), 190 deletions(-)
>> diff --git a/qt-ui/usersurvey.cpp b/qt-ui/usersurvey.cpp
>> index 3177886..9970640 100644
>> --- a/qt-ui/usersurvey.cpp
>> +++ b/qt-ui/usersurvey.cpp
>> @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ UserSurvey::UserSurvey(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent),
>>  {
>>       QString osArch, arch;
>>       ui->setupUi(this);
>> +     this->adjustSize();
>>       QShortcut *closeKey = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + 
>> Qt::Key_W), this);
>>       connect(closeKey, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(close()));
>>       QShortcut *quitKey = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Q), 
>> this);
>> diff --git a/qt-ui/usersurvey.ui b/qt-ui/usersurvey.ui
>> index 8a34dc4..011be4f 100644
>> --- a/qt-ui/usersurvey.ui
>> +++ b/qt-ui/usersurvey.ui
>> @@ -13,196 +13,122 @@
>>    <property name="windowTitle">
>>     <string>User Survey</string>
>>    </property>
>> -  <widget class="QDialogButtonBox" name="buttonBox">
>> -   <property name="geometry">
>> -    <rect>
>> -     <x>40</x>
>> -     <y>560</y>
>> -     <width>451</width>
>> -     <height>32</height>
>> -    </rect>
>> -   </property>
>> -   <property name="orientation">
>> -    <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
>> -   </property>
>> -   <property name="standardButtons">
>> -    <set>QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Save</set>
>> -   </property>
>> -  </widget>
>> -  <widget class="QLabel" name="label">
>> -   <property name="geometry">
>> -    <rect>
>> -     <x>10</x>
>> -     <y>10</y>
>> -     <width>481</width>
>> -     <height>16</height>
>> -    </rect>
>> -   </property>
>> -   <property name="font">
>> -    <font>
>> -     <pointsize>11</pointsize>
>> -    </font>
>> -   </property>
>> -   <property name="text">
>> -    <string>Subsurface user survey</string>
>> -   </property>
>> -  </widget>
>> -  <widget class="QLabel" name="label_2">
>> -   <property name="geometry">
>> -    <rect>
>> -     <x>10</x>
>> -     <y>40</y>
>> -     <width>481</width>
>> -     <height>81</height>
>> -    </rect>
>> -   </property>
>> -   <property name="text">
>> -    <string>We would love to learn more about our users, their preferences 
>> and their usage habits. Please take a minute to fill out this form and 
>> submit it to the Subsurface team. Please select all options that apply to 
>> you.</string>
>> -   </property>
>> -   <property name="alignment">
>> -    <set>Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop</set>
>> -   </property>
>> -   <property name="wordWrap">
>> -    <bool>true</bool>
>> -   </property>
>> -  </widget>
>> -  <widget class="QCheckBox" name="recreational">
>> -   <property name="geometry">
>> -    <rect>
>> -     <x>10</x>
>> -     <y>140</y>
>> -     <width>261</width>
>> -     <height>20</height>
>> -    </rect>
>> -   </property>
>> -   <property name="text">
>> -    <string>Recreational diver</string>
>> -   </property>
>> -  </widget>
>> -  <widget class="QCheckBox" name="tech">
>> -   <property name="geometry">
>> -    <rect>
>> -     <x>290</x>
>> -     <y>140</y>
>> -     <width>201</width>
>> -     <height>20</height>
>> -    </rect>
>> -   </property>
>> -   <property name="text">
>> -    <string>Technical diver</string>
>> -   </property>
>> -  </widget>
>> -  <widget class="QCheckBox" name="planning">
>> -   <property name="geometry">
>> -    <rect>
>> -     <x>10</x>
>> -     <y>160</y>
>> -     <width>421</width>
>> -     <height>20</height>
>> -    </rect>
>> -   </property>
>> -   <property name="text">
>> -    <string>Interested in dive planning</string>
>> -   </property>
>> -  </widget>
>> -  <widget class="QCheckBox" name="download">
>> -   <property name="geometry">
>> -    <rect>
>> -     <x>10</x>
>> -     <y>180</y>
>> -     <width>481</width>
>> -     <height>20</height>
>> -    </rect>
>> -   </property>
>> -   <property name="text">
>> -    <string>I am downloading dives from supported dive computer</string>
>> -   </property>
>> -  </widget>
>> -  <widget class="QCheckBox" name="divecomputer">
>> -   <property name="geometry">
>> -    <rect>
>> -     <x>10</x>
>> -     <y>200</y>
>> -     <width>481</width>
>> -     <height>20</height>
>> -    </rect>
>> -   </property>
>> -   <property name="text">
>> -    <string>I am importing dives from other software / sources</string>
>> -   </property>
>> -  </widget>
>> -  <widget class="QCheckBox" name="manual">
>> -   <property name="geometry">
>> -    <rect>
>> -     <x>10</x>
>> -     <y>220</y>
>> -     <width>481</width>
>> -     <height>20</height>
>> -    </rect>
>> -   </property>
>> -   <property name="text">
>> -    <string>I am manually entering dives</string>
>> -   </property>
>> -  </widget>
>> -  <widget class="QPlainTextEdit" name="suggestions">
>> -   <property name="geometry">
>> -    <rect>
>> -     <x>10</x>
>> -     <y>300</y>
>> -     <width>481</width>
>> -     <height>101</height>
>> -    </rect>
>> -   </property>
>> -  </widget>
>> -  <widget class="QCheckBox" name="companion">
>> -   <property name="geometry">
>> -    <rect>
>> -     <x>10</x>
>> -     <y>240</y>
>> -     <width>481</width>
>> -     <height>20</height>
>> -    </rect>
>> -   </property>
>> -   <property name="text">
>> -    <string>I use the Android companion app to track dive locations</string>
>> -   </property>
>> -  </widget>
>> -  <widget class="QPlainTextEdit" name="system">
>> -   <property name="geometry">
>> -    <rect>
>> -     <x>10</x>
>> -     <y>450</y>
>> -     <width>481</width>
>> -     <height>101</height>
>> -    </rect>
>> -   </property>
>> -  </widget>
>> -  <widget class="QLabel" name="label_3">
>> -   <property name="geometry">
>> -    <rect>
>> -     <x>10</x>
>> -     <y>270</y>
>> -     <width>471</width>
>> -     <height>20</height>
>> -    </rect>
>> -   </property>
>> -   <property name="text">
>> -    <string>Please type suggestions (in English) in the following 
>> box</string>
>> -   </property>
>> -  </widget>
>> -  <widget class="QLabel" name="label_4">
>> -   <property name="geometry">
>> -    <rect>
>> -     <x>10</x>
>> -     <y>420</y>
>> -     <width>471</width>
>> -     <height>20</height>
>> -    </rect>
>> -   </property>
>> -   <property name="text">
>> -    <string>The following information about your system will also be 
>> submitted</string>
>> -   </property>
>> -  </widget>
>> +  <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
>> +   <item>
>> +    <widget class="QLabel" name="label">
>> +     <property name="font">
>> +      <font>
>> +       <pointsize>11</pointsize>
>> +      </font>
>> +     </property>
>> +     <property name="text">
>> +      <string>Subsurface user survey</string>
>> +     </property>
>> +    </widget>
>> +   </item>
>> +   <item>
>> +    <widget class="QLabel" name="label_2">
>> +     <property name="text">
>> +      <string>We would love to learn more about our users, their 
>> preferences and their usage habits. Please take a minute to fill out this 
>> form and submit it to the Subsurface team. Please select all options that 
>> apply to you.</string>
>> +     </property>
>> +     <property name="alignment">
>> +      <set>Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop</set>
>> +     </property>
>> +     <property name="wordWrap">
>> +      <bool>true</bool>
>> +     </property>
>> +    </widget>
>> +   </item>
>> +   <item>
>> +    <widget class="QCheckBox" name="tech">
>> +     <property name="text">
>> +      <string>Technical diver</string>
>> +     </property>
>> +    </widget>
>> +   </item>
>> +   <item>
>> +    <widget class="QCheckBox" name="recreational">
>> +     <property name="text">
>> +      <string>Recreational diver</string>
>> +     </property>
>> +    </widget>
>> +   </item>
>> +   <item>
>> +    <widget class="QCheckBox" name="planning">
>> +     <property name="text">
>> +      <string>Interested in dive planning</string>
>> +     </property>
>> +    </widget>
>> +   </item>
>> +   <item>
>> +    <widget class="QCheckBox" name="download">
>> +     <property name="text">
>> +      <string>I am downloading dives from supported dive computer</string>
>> +     </property>
>> +    </widget>
>> +   </item>
>> +   <item>
>> +    <widget class="QCheckBox" name="divecomputer">
>> +     <property name="text">
>> +      <string>I am importing dives from other software / sources</string>
>> +     </property>
>> +    </widget>
>> +   </item>
>> +   <item>
>> +    <widget class="QCheckBox" name="manual">
>> +     <property name="text">
>> +      <string>I am manually entering dives</string>
>> +     </property>
>> +    </widget>
>> +   </item>
>> +   <item>
>> +    <widget class="QCheckBox" name="companion">
>> +     <property name="text">
>> +      <string>I use the Android companion app to track dive 
>> locations</string>
>> +     </property>
>> +    </widget>
>> +   </item>
>> +   <item>
>> +    <widget class="QLabel" name="label_3">
>> +     <property name="text">
>> +      <string>Please type suggestions (in English) in the following 
>> box</string>
>> +     </property>
>> +    </widget>
>> +   </item>
>> +   <item>
>> +    <widget class="QPlainTextEdit" name="suggestions"/>
>> +   </item>
>> +   <item>
>> +    <widget class="QLabel" name="label_4">
>> +     <property name="text">
>> +      <string>The following information about your system will also be 
>> submitted</string>
>> +     </property>
>> +    </widget>
>> +   </item>
>> +   <item>
>> +    <widget class="QPlainTextEdit" name="system">
>> +     <property name="sizePolicy">
>> +      <sizepolicy hsizetype="Expanding" vsizetype="Expanding">
>> +       <horstretch>0</horstretch>
>> +       <verstretch>0</verstretch>
>> +      </sizepolicy>
>> +     </property>
>> +     <property name="readOnly">
>> +      <bool>true</bool>
>> +     </property>
>> +    </widget>
>> +   </item>
>> +   <item>
>> +    <widget class="QDialogButtonBox" name="buttonBox">
>> +     <property name="orientation">
>> +      <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
>> +     </property>
>> +     <property name="standardButtons">
>> +      <set>QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Save</set>
>> +     </property>
>> +    </widget>
>> +   </item>
>> +  </layout>
>>   </widget>
>>   <tabstops>
>>    <tabstop>recreational</tabstop>
>> --
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>> subsurface mailing list
>> subsurface@hohndel.org
>> http://lists.hohndel.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/subsurface
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> subsurface mailing list
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