Subsurface v4.1.93-103-gc477f5602909, built with libdivecomputer v0.4.2
FF31.0 on Linux Fedora 20 64bit.


The graph shown in 'show more details' (should this be 'Show more
details', ie. capital S?) does not by default show the pressure scale on
the secondary Y-axis (on the right side). If I resize the width of the
browser (to any width), is is displayed (see attachment).

However no pressure information is displayed in the graph.

This behaviour is not consistent, and apparently is related to the
CCR-dives where I add the cylinder (O2 and dil) information manually.
However Subsurface application does show the proper graph (for O2).


Search result are not in any order if order is not previously set.

* Open the exported HTML-page in browser
* The default order is dive# ascending
* Search for keyword
* Result is not ordered in dive# ascending


The stats page:

Typo, in column headers it says 'Avarage' for time and depth, should be


Feature requests:

* Get the stat table sortable by columns
* Get a total row (total time of all dives etc) for the stat table
* Get the dive length to the main list. Currently it is not displayed
anywhere but implisitly in the graph


Paul-Erik Törrönen   "When science and the Bible differ,   science has obviously misinterpreted
+358 40 703 1231      its data"     Henry Morris, father of 'modern creationism'
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