On 2014-07-22 02:36, Linus Torvalds wrote:
Last time this happened, I mentioned to Dirk that maybe we should have a "download only last N days" in the dive computer download logic, but that
ends up having its own set of problems, like the fact that some dive
computers will only download things in a certain order (and not
necessarily latest first), so it's hard to say "start at xyz". It also
ends up being a messy interface.

Libdivecomputer should always return the dives in newest to oldest order, no matter how the underlying protocol works. This is an requirement for an efficient implementation of the "download only new dives" feature. So if you noticed that dives are returned in some other order, then please report as a bug.

One caveat: it *only* solves the mess problem if you keep all your other
dives in trips too. If you have old dives that aren't in some trip, and
they overlap with the newly downloaded dives, the dive merging might still choose to merge that old non-trip dive with the newly downloaded dive that has the new private trip. But at least for my use case, this isn't really
a problem.

I think it's a bad idea to treat non-trip dives different. Not everyone organizes dives in trips. For example when diving locally, grouping dives in trips doesn't make much sense. But disabling the automatic merging is still a very useful feature in such case.

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