I bet you hit the nail on the head Jef. My disabled gasses are set to 0/0.
Had not even given that a thought. Imagine it passes that info with the
dive even when it is disabled. Since I can disable a gas that is not 0/0, I
wonder if there is also an enable/disable flag that is sent for the gas
that could be used to not show the error message.

I will file a bug report and we can work on this more for a future release.
This is not a bug specific to the beta and definitely not a show stopper.


On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 11:50 PM, Jef Driesen <j...@libdivecomputer.org>

> On 2014-08-05 17:13, Miika Turkia wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 5:49 PM, Dirk Hohndel <d...@hohndel.org> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Aug 05, 2014 at 05:33:24AM -0700, Richard DePas wrote:
>>>> Unfortunately I am still getting a group of error messages when
>>>> importing
>>>> from my Petrel. The dives still show up.
>>>> unlikely dive gas data from libdivecomputer: o2 = 0 he = 0
>>> Well, arguably these ARE rather unlikely dive gases :-)
>>> Remind me what our conclusion was last time we talked about this...
>>>  I am not sure whether a final conclusion was ever reached. Jef informed
>> us
>> that this should be fixed now on libdivecomputer. He also wanted a memory
>> dump of the dive computer, but I was not able to grab one. A dump fails
>> every time when I attempt to grab one from my Stinger.
> I requested this warning message in order to help find parsing bugs in
> libdivecomputer [1-2]. If subsurface filters out the bogus gas mixes, then
> nobody will notice (and hopefully report) the libdivecomputer bug, and it
> will never get fixed.
> The most likely reason for those odd o2 and he percentages (e.g. zero or
> 0xFF values) is that the device uses those special values to indicate a
> disabled gas mix. I already fixed some of these issues, but certainly not
> all. So if you still spot such issue, please file a bug report and I'll
> have a look.
> And because this is related to how the device stores the data, that means
> that if you are affected by such a bug, you'll get the warning for each
> disabled gas mix on every dive. Hence the large number of repeated warnings.
>  Anyway, Showing same message only once would make sense, no matter if the
>> error message is this or something else in the future.
> I think suppressing duplicate warnings is an excellent idea. In that case,
> the warning is still there, but at least users are no longer flooded with
> the same warning.
> As I mentioned before [1], I would prefer to keep the warning if possible,
> for the reason explained above. But if they are really getting too annoying
> for users, go ahead and disable them before the release. Or maybe log to
> stdout, where most end-users won't see it?
> [1] http://lists.hohndel.org/pipermail/subsurface/2014-June/012642.html
> [2] http://lists.hohndel.org/pipermail/subsurface/2014-June/012508.html
> Jef
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