> Given that - what would make your workflow easier here? Do you usually
> dive with the same set of cylinders? How about a way to set up a template
> that you could simply apply to a dive (first cylinder is this, second
> that, third that, fourth that)?

That could work, yes. My guess (for manual CCR addition) would be:

1. O2 (pure oxygen)
2. Dil (air/nitrox/trimix)
3. Suit gas
4. Bailout 1
5. Bailout 2

In my case 1.-3. would be currently enough (using the bailout 1 as suit gas).

If the 1. is made to be air/nitrox/trimix, then it should cover any
(lurking) sidemount diving user too, and in my case I would merely make it
100% O2.

As you probably know, the bailouts are not normally used in CCR-diving
except in cases where the diluent is so anoxic that you need a separate
travel gas, or if the fHe is very high, and you want to cut down the deco
time with nitrox/lean He trimix deco.

> Is there a better way to do this?

We had a discussion back in January
Is Rodrigos model the planned implementation?


Paul-Erik Törrönen   "When science and the Bible differ,
pol...@777-team.org   science has obviously misinterpreted
+358 40 703 1231      its data"
http://poltsi.fi/     Henry Morris, father of 'modern creationism'

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