2014-08-19 16:48 GMT+02:00 Jef Driesen <j...@libdivecomputer.org>:

> On 2014-08-19 15:20, Davide DB wrote:
>> Months ago, when i started to use Subsurface, I asked to support Sensus
>> ultra devices. I helped Miika to understand their CVS format. Miika
>> implemented only the CSV import via their file. So the device must be
>> downloaded via their client.
> That's not true. The Sensus Ultra is a supported devices. You can download
> your dives directly from subsurface. Have you actually tried this

This is my request in January:


There was a mail exchange with Miika. I gave my support on csv format and
this end up in this patch that I tried several times:


I could not find a patch showing Subsurface downloading directly the Sensus
Ultra. I searched trough my archives and I found only references to CSV

>  The problem lies there. Their client is one of the worst piece of software
>> I ever seen. From their site you can see they do not update it from 2010.
> If you mean it only offers basic functionality with a somewhat dated look
> and feel, then I agree. But it's far from the worst software I've seen. Why
> would it need an update if it already worked fine in 2010?
> Reefnet is actively encouraging third-party developers to support their
> hardware, rather than trying to write a great application of their own. If
> you ask me, that's the right thing to do. You get their basic app, and if
> you want something more advanced, there are plenty of other choices.

Until I asked here on January nobody had the need to import from this
device. Miika chose to import the CSV rather than the poprietary format (of

> So you are blaming Reefnet for problems with the Prolific drivers? There
> is very little they can do about that, because the driver is made by
> Prolific, not Reefnet.
> I guess many of those Prolific driver problems are due to the fact that
> their Windows driver started to blacklist counterfeit chips a few years ago:
> http://www.prolific.com.tw/US/ShowProduct.aspx?p_id=155&pcid=41
> Those "chinese" counterfeit chips are probably widespread in existing
> hardware :-(

Jef, don't misunderstand me. I'm not criticizing your work or the other
Subsurface guys but I'm a final customer which paid a product for 100%
functionality and I blame Reefnet because I paid them not Prolific and to
log my dives I do not want to know about who wrote what. I paid reefnet. So
I do not blame the programmer who wrote that data logger.
Just to be clear: If I buy a Wolkswagen Golf and after two years I cannot
start my car, I blame Wolkswagen, not Bosh who built the starter motor. Or
maybe SaintGobain for the VW Golf glasses.

>  So IMHO, before spending time on a obsolete device, try to solve the
>> download problem.
> There is a long standing problem with libdivecomputer and the Sensus Ultra
> on Mac OS X (seems to be a timing or latency issue). But on my Linux system
> it's rock solid. I have to admit I haven't tested on Windows in a long
> while (it's not my primary OS).
> At the time of its introduction, which is more than 10 years ago, a dive
> computer with a PC interface was pretty rare. Nowadays, you may no longer
> need one, because even the cheapest dive computer model has it. But even by
> todays standards, the Sensus Ultra design isn't outdated. For example the
> memory capacity (2MB) and precision/accuracy still exceeds that of many
> current dive computers. Compare that with Suunto (8-64K), Oceanic (32-128K)
> or Mares (16-1024K) just to name a few. Only state of the art technical
> dive computer like the OSTC and Petrel have comparable (or more) logbook
> memory.

Very nice but a Sensus costs 250$, more or less like an XDeep Black BT.
Right now I buy a Sensus Ultra jsut to discover that I cannot see the USB
device on my Windows pc. What's the solution? Using XP? Blaming Prolific?

BTW I used to be an assembler programmer until nineties so I fully
understand what you mean but I'm tired to pay cash for things that not work.

My opinion (again as simple final user) is that first of all must be
resolved the low lever interface problem (aka prolific drivers) to
resurrect this little nice device.
I tried everything on 6 different Win7 machine at my job place. I
downloaded all the existent prolific driver versions with no luck. I ended
up working with a XP VM.
A frind of mine with a macbook had the same fate. Once update to the latest
OS incarnation, no way to see the USB device.
I even have two different kind of hardware interfaces (one naked and
another one smaller with a plastic box) but they have the same chipsets.
They should be somewhere in the basement.


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