I noticed that a few translations are rather out of date.

Maybe the volunteers have moved on to other hobbies?

Can I please get a show of hands (and new volunteers). Right now we try to

- German      (that's embarrassing... I need to work on that, but I'd LOVE to
               see someone else take responsibility...)
- French      (pingou?)
- Spanish     (salvador seems to keep this updated)
- Portuguese  (??)
- Polish      (karent)

Portuguese is pretty much non-existant (but also a rare language among our
users it seems).

We have several Russian speakers here and a Russian manual - anyone
interested in adding Russian as language for the website?  On the flip
side - we have very few Russian users it seems - but maybe that's in part
because we don't have a Russian website?

Other languages / volunteers?

Here's the breakdown from the ~10% of our users who have connected to our

en: 102, de: 60, fr: 25, it: 17, sv: 17, es: 11, nl: 11, pl: 6, fi: 4, zh:
4, ru: 3, C: 1, de-CH: 1, el: 1, ja: 1, nb: 1, pt: 1, tr: 1

Which tells me that Italian and Swedish would be logical candidates as
next website translations.

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