Thanks for the answer.
Right, libc++ doesn't come as default in 10.6.8, and Apple charges 100$ for 
older version of Xcode (post 10.8.x) (as read in other newsgroups) so it 
prevent me from compiling.

I will wait for a binary version built for 10.6.8
I can test it if necessary

Olivier Testa

Le Mardi 9 septembre 2014 14h45, Robert Helling <> a écrit :

On 09.09.2014, at 13:55, Olivier Testa <> wrote:


I have de Mac intel 64bit / snow leopard 10.6.8
>I downloaded the binary.
>When I double click on the program, I get the following error (see bottom).
>It seems the programm cannot find libc++.1.dylib
the origin of this problem is that snow leopard does not come with libc++1 but 
by default Qt5 assumes that according to

It seems that Dirk needs to fix this in his build process for mac.

Until that happens you could try to compile it yourself with Qt4 as described 
That description is quite detailed and it should not take too long (btw that 
assumes you already have xcode and its command line tools installed).


Robert C. Helling     Elite Master Course Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
                      Scientific Coordinator
                      Ludwig Maximilians Universitaet Muenchen, Dept. Physik
                      Phone: +49 89 2180-4523  Theresienstr. 39, rm. B339

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