On Sep 19, 2014, at 6:56 AM, Davide DB <dbdav...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 3:38 PM, Tomaz Canabrava <tcanabr...@kde.org> wrote:
>> It is, maybe it's just collapsed ( there's a 'handler' on the right that you
>> can drag and make the globe appear again )
>> ( or dirk didn't put the globe on the new build script and builded with
> You are right.
> Actually on Windows there's no indication of the collapsed panel until
> I go there with my mouse. I see no handle.
> Now I expanded a little bit.

The fact that the globe is collapsed now shows that there’s a bug somewhere, 
I had the same problem.

>> If no tags were selected, you would see the list empty, what do you prefer?
> I understand. Maybe we could have a global checkbox or a tree view
> with checks like this:
> http://i.msdn.microsoft.com/dynimg/IC725568.png
> I guess that the label filtering of Adobe Lightroom works in a different way.
> By default you see all your photo.
> When you open the tag search, nothing is selected but all your photos
> are still there.
> Once you click on one of them, filtering become effective.
> Strange but it solves that problem, moreover they have tags hierarchy.

I really like the way Adobe does that - and I’ve seen many other programs
do it the same way. Having no tags selected could be a way to see all
your dives that have no tags. But in reality it’s much easier to see this
as a filter. No filter selected means you see all dives. Then you select a
filter and you see the dives that have that tag.
Now the question becomes “is this an additive or a subtractive filter?”
I.e. is it an AND or an OR of tags that you select?
If I select “boat” and “photo” do I get the dives that have either of them
or the dives that have both of those tags?

>>> - I see the scrollbar moving when I Check/unchecking tags but I do not
>>> understand which dives are filtered. I tried with tags used in my
>>> logbook as wreck or reef but nothing changes.
>> it should, unless I did something wrong, but it seems that my tests are
>> correct ( I used dirk's logfile )
> Please believe me, I restarted the application to record it and now it
> works :) I feel an idiot when I write this.

Don’t. It usually means that there is some issue with the implementation
and you just haven’t managed to trigger this again. I haven’t had the
time to play with this enough - I’m spending way too much time on the
infrastructure right now and will do so again today - in hopes that after
this investment things will be much easier.
Famous last words.

> I see that you used OR for multi tag selection. I would expect AND
> between them. Really I do not know.

> When I select "wreck" AND "photo" what I would expect?
> Only the dives when I was filming a wreck or all the dives on a wreck
> and all the dives I shot photos?
See above. I’m not sure, either. When you start from all tags on then
you kind of have to do OR. When you start from all tags off you can
do either. I can see a user wanting both behaviors.

> Ok, my first doubt was exactly this. That a different UX design could
> force a total rewrite.
> Good work indeed.

We definitely need a different UI. Thomas knows that :-)

> Attached my old mockup and the Lightroom search:
> https://www.screenr.com/asnN

I use lightroom a lot. I liked the tile layout but Thomas convinced me that
that wasn’t a good way to do things here. Basically when you look at 
photos then a thumbnail gives you 90% of the information about what you
are looking at. For dives that is not at all the case. Most dives have rather
predictable profiles. You want the date, the location, etc. So I was initially
excited by your idea, but I’m not sure anymore

Having said that, the checkboxes are ugly. And the “all of them are on”
implementation is just backwards. Trivial to fix, though.

I don’t have the time for a beautiful mockup…

Imagine having all the tags, alphabetically ordered, each with a gray
bubble around it. You click on one, the bubble turns blue and that tag
is selected as filter.

The bubbles look just like the ones we are using for tags and the likes
on the Notes panel.

Makes sense?

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