> Maybe you have two bailouts, 6L of air and 6L of EAN80. Bailing out from
> depth early during the dive would give you a deco that uses all the air
> but almost none of the EAN80. And bailing out later during the dive
> while you're shallower uses all the EAN80 but virtually none of the
> air...

But the worst point in open water would be at the end of the deep section,
where you would be forced to use almost all off the 6l air in order to get
to the MOD of the EANx80, and then do a long deco before being able to

And if you're doing cave diving, the worst point would be the furthest
point inside stone.

IMHO this would indicate that the user should be able to define where the
worst point, eg, where the bailout happens in the given plan*, and get as
a result the calculation of required gas amount as per given gas mixes.

* Without altering the planned depths


Paul-Erik Törrönen   "When science and the Bible differ,
pol...@777-team.org   science has obviously misinterpreted
+358 40 703 1231      its data"
http://poltsi.fi/     Henry Morris, father of 'modern creationism'

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