On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 03:23:11PM +0000, Paul Sargent wrote:
> >
> >So who are the rebreather divers besides Willem who are helping to get
> >this right and are especially testing this as thoroughly as possible.
> >
> >I'd hate to release 4.3 and announve rebreather support and then have to
> >say "never mind"...
> I'm certainly happy to look over as much as I can, but it's limited by
> what I can exercise from my dive data. As far as I can tell a number of
> the patches recently deal with utilising ppO2 data from the sensors, and
> the only unit we can import ppO2 data from is a MkVI. I don't dive a
> MkVI, so whilst I can test planning CCR dives, or imported constant ppO2
> CCR dives from an OSTC, I can't exercise everything.

And that's fine.

> Let me know what you'd like me to attack ;-)

Everything that you CAN use. So for the dives that you import, do the
things that we show make sense? Is there a way they could (should?) make
more sense? Does the planning seem right? Pieces missing?

I simply notice that almost every time I do something that I usually don't
play much with, I quickly find little bugs. And I worry that that's the
experience for a lot of our users as well. And especially since tech
divers appear to be a reasonably big part of our user base, I want to make
sure we get this right :-)

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