
I would appreciate some advice from you.

1) The pressures structure contains a member for the partial pressure of each of the three possible gases (o2,n2,he). At present these members are defined as double. If one could change their type to o2pressure_t (this is really an int16 in units of mbar) then one could use constructs such as pressures.o2.mbar, consistent with usage throughout much of the existing code base. o2pressure_t has a maximum value around 65 bar, thus I do not think any of the pressures members will have magnitudes that exceed the max size of o2pressure_t. Comments, please?

2) The variable plot_info->o2pressure is really a left-over from before you created the pressures structure. Is there a case to be made to get rid of this variable, since its function has been replaced by the pressures structures?

Kind regards,

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