On 8 March 2015 at 00:23, Gehad Elrobey <gehadelro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 8, 2015 at 12:11 AM, Lubomir I. Ivanov <neolit...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On 7 March 2015 at 23:47, Lubomir I. Ivanov <neolit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > one thing to figure out is how are we going to embed the profile
>> > pictures...
>> > if we are capturing the output of a QWebPage then we first need to
>> > show the profiles in there.
>> > for that <img src="data: metatype, base64, theDataGoesHere" /> can be
>> > used.
>> now, there is an alternative for all that, but it's tricky...
>> since we can use QWebFrame::render() on a QPainter that uses the
>> QPrinter as paint device, in theory we can position a QPicture of the
>> profile exactly over the already rendered profile HTML frame (e.g. in
>> your PDF that would be "dive profile area"), but that's only in
>> theory.
> I was thinking of using Grantlee to generate parts of the HTML code, one
> part for each widget that will be placed in the layout dynamically, we can
> also insert the profile photos dynamically as the HTML code.
> So the Qt class will call Grantlee many times to fill in the <div> s (or
> widgets in the main layout) dynamically and generate the full html code that
> can be rendered by QWebPage and printed.

if i understand correctly you are planning to load the profiles as
images in HTML and render both the dive data and the profile as a
whole, via QWebPage. is that the case?

but i think that for vector profiles in the printout to work, we need
to use "meta:image/svg" instead of "meta:image/png" and that's why i
proposed QSvg.
we currently have the profile printed as vector (on Windows at least),
so going back to strictly raster profiles in the printout is a step

but if there is a way to avoid showing SVG in the HTML that would be
the way to go, because it's going to be very slow.

as i explained above, it will require some trickery (CSS?) to obtain
the absolution position of where the profile has to be inserted on the
page and it's dimensions.
if we can estimate that, we can simply render a profile as QPicture
over the HTML rendered layout (QPrinter being the paint device for
both the underlying HTML template and the profiles which will be
placed on top).

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