On 2015-03-09 17:38, Willem Ferguson wrote:
On 09/03/2015 17:19, Jef Driesen wrote:
Are you talking about direct downloading from the dive computer, or importing from the Uwatec application?

I am talking of the directly downloaded files I presume: those saved
as subsurface.bin. Am I right?
Certainly the links you refer to below are helpful in decoding these.
I will do controlled dives with a
Galileo,  generating events in a planned way, then download the dives
as subsurface.bin and decode them to
see the way the events were recorded. I have written software to do
the decoding and I think it is quite
sufficient for these purposes. I have a reasonable understanding of
the dive structure and the way flags and
events are implemented. I can read any arbitrary dive within the whole
downloaded dive log.
At least, that is my general plan of action.

Using the libdivecomputer simulator will be much more efficient than trying to generate events during real dives. You just take an existing memory dumps, change the bit you want to investigate, and feed the modified data back to the Smarttrak application.

The setup is explained here:


The source code and pre-built binaries for the simulator can be downloaded here:


You can also use the simulator in combination with libdivecomputer's "universal" application (or even subsurface) as a debug tool to check the parsing. The code to deal with memory dumps is already there, so you don't need to spend time on that.

In addition to the simulator, I also have a large collection of memory dumps that you can use for testing. I'm sure some of those will already contains the events you are interested in.

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