Okay. Thank U.

Regards, Matthew V.

> Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2015 14:19:04 +0200
> Subject: Re: Patch for #848
> From: neolit...@gmail.com
> To: matteoficht...@hotmail.com
> CC: subsurface@subsurface-divelog.org
> On 17 March 2015 at 14:11, Matthew Vepritskiy
> <matteoficht...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > Okay. I see.
> > At least I was right about the handles.:-(
> >
> > This patch is not counted? I have to make another one?
> >
> yes, please do another one. your patches have to be applied for them to count.
> also mind that when there is something wrong with a peace of code we a
> looking for a replacement or a removal instead of commenting it out.
> here is something related that i just logged:
> http://trac.subsurface-divelog.org/ticket/857#ticket
> (if it's too complicated move to something else...)
> there list of current issues:
> http://trac.subsurface-divelog.org/report/1
> lubomir
> --
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