
Am 19.03.2015 um 15:01 schrieb Martin Gysel:
Am 19.03.2015 um 14:14 schrieb Anton Lundin:
On 17 March, 2015 - Thomas Schrein (mailinglists) wrote:

I would be interested in such a device, even if they would be built as
one off jobs.

Only thing i would argue is really important is to make sure they fail
in a sane manner, and doesn't leak or dump my gas.
Doesn't matter, I have 2 bottles ;-)
No, joking aside: you are right, it has to be reliable! But I don't see a big deal with that, just copy proven concepts.

It seems there's at least some interest in such a device but to get a
retail price below 200 € one needs to produce/sell more then a couple...
I also doubt a kickstarter project will help here :(
Making only a few parts is a funny hobby, making a lot parts is a funny business, both is worth to think about :-))

Maybe the only option would be to design such a device in the public...
I have some contacts to a pressure sensor company and a university,
maybe that's a nice student project...
You need to know about the mechanical aspects+electronic+diving; don't think a students project is the right way, but may be I am wrong. I discussed yesterday with my friend Marco, the mechanical chap in out team; he did not see too much problems building such a device, our problem is the lack of time, because we want to concentrate on the progress developing odico. But let's discuss about the features of such a logger; may be we have a time gap during the next month and we can build some parts, in particular because we planned to have a high pressure Sensor as CANbus node.

About the sensor: as a first idea we found this:
May you have an other sensor from the sensor company ?

Now this one is seriously OT but a idea i hand a couple of mates had as
a idea, a depth/time logger with a accelerometer/gyro and try to use that
as a mapping device to try to figure out how your movements under water
actually where.

I talked with another mate who's in the defense industry and they have
such devices on there (semi)autonomous rovs, but they combine the
accelerometer/gyro with sonar and doppler radar against its surroundings
for more input to their odometry models.

That would be really cool =)
Personally I doubt you get the needed accuracy by only using the
accelerometer and gyro... but you could also couple it with some buoys
which sends a ultrasonic beacon on which you can triangulate (like gps)


That's an other story ...
By the way: you don't need a gyro, a 3-axis compass (+ accelerometer) is enough. I also saw some activities in the mil section .. and I agree, not so easy to get the needed accuracy. If we have odico build up stable, we can modify/add some parts and go for a trial.


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