
Please look through the following paragraph for the user manual, will you?

Your system provides pretty sophisticated image management. None of the image management software that I use includes such automatic remapping of image locations. Its impressive.

Three suggestions to make the management of images using hash sums more smooth:

1) If I understand it correctly there is a problem in calculating hashes for each photo already associated with a dive in Subsurface. That is, to update the existing dive log so that all photos have valid hash sums in XML. It appears to me that, in order to do this, one has to force Subsurface to save a dive while the photos are shown for that dive. In large photo collections over large numbers of dives this may be a very tedious and somewhat risky job: Open each dive individually, Do some changes to dive details, save update for that dive. IF I AM CORRECT, I think there is a big need for a facility that determines whether a) there is an existing XML hash attribute for each image, b) if so, whether the XML hash sum for each image is a valid hash sum, c) if there is no hash sum or an invalid hash sum (e.g. ""), then to calculate the hash sum for the image and write that into the XML. Is my understanding of this correct? Because this is a once-of type of activity, such a facility should probably be activated by a command line option, not from within the GUI.

2) The option "Hash images" in the main menu is a bit cryptic for non-technical users. I would suggest "Find moved images" or something similar ??

3) Any way of reusing the same bottom blue bar shown while converting a XML dive log to the new XML format? Some type of visual feedback while doing the hash sum calculations and updating for all images is crucial.

Kind regards,

==== Moving photographs among directories, hard disks or computers

After a photograph has been loaded into _Subsurface_ and associated with a specific dive, the directory where the photo lies is stored, allowing _Subsurface_ to find the photograph when the dive is opened again. If the photo or the whole photo collection is moved to another drive or to a different machine, it is unlikely that the directory structure will remain identical to that of the original uploaded photo. When this happens, _Subsurface_ looks for the photos at their original location before they were moved, cannot find them and therefore cannot display them. Because, after moving photos, large numbers of photos may need to be deleted and re-imported from the new location, _Subsurface_ has a mechanism that eases the process of updating the directory information for each photo: automatic updates using fingerprints.

When a photo is loaded into _Subsurface_, a fingerprint for the image is calculated and stored with the other reference information for that photo. After moving a photo collection (that has already been loaded into _Subsurface_) to a different directory, disk or computer, _Subsurface_ can perform the
 following steps:

- look through a particular directory (and all its subdirectories recursively) where photos have been moved

- calculate fingerprints for all photos in this directory, and

- if there is a match between a calculated fingerprint and the one originally calculated when a photo was loaded into _Subsurface_ (even if the original file name has changed), to automatically update the directory information so that _Subsurface_ can find the photo in the new moved directory.

This is achieved by selecting from the Main Menu: _File -> Hash images_. This brings up a window within which the NEW directory of the photos needs to be specified. Select the appropriate directory and click the _Scan_ button towards the bottom right of the panel. The process may require several minutes to complete, after which _subsurface_ will show the appropriate photographs when a particular dive is opened.

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