On 02/05/2015 23:08, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
I thought I had fixed this a while ago but I just had made it a little
less broken...
This morning I tried to figure out what semantics SHOULD be and then
implemented just that.

So you select multiple dives that have potentiall different tags. What
does it mean if you then edit the one dive that is shown? I figured the
most intuitive behavior would be this:
- if the user adds a tag to the existing tags of the displayed dive, then
   that tag should be added to the tags of all the selected dives
- if the user removes a tag from the existing tags of the displayed dive,
   then likelways that tag should be removed (if present) from the tags of
   all other selected dives

Two requests:
a) is that indeed the correct semantic for this operation?
b) could you test that what I implemented in master actually does this?



PS: daily builds are up for those who can't build from source...
subsurface mailing list
I did some tests of this feature with the latest git master. (Ubuntu 14.04)

After selecting dives from a trip I added a tag. No problem it was added to all selected dives. After selecting dives from a trip I deleted this new tag. No problem it was deleted from all selected dives. After selecting dives from more than one trip, I added a tag. No problem it was added to all selected dives. After selecting dives from more than one trip, I deleted a tag. No problem it was deleted from all selected dives. After adding a tag that was not present in the displayed tag, but which existed in some of the other selected dives,
there was no duplication of tags.

The other fields with tag-like characteristics (dive master, buddy) did not work in this way at all. Behaviour was unpredictable.

Kind regards,

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