Hi Willem.

2015-05-19 10:50 GMT+02:00 Willem Ferguson <willemfergu...@zoology.up.ac.za>

>  Dirk you are absolutely correct. I ran universal after your last mail,
> above, and the events are not shown in the xml, even though I see them
> clearly in the binary dump. So the problem is on the libdivecomputer side.
> At least I have eliminated Subsurface as the cause of the problem. I should
> have run universal earlier.
> Kind regards,
> willem
Back in march Jef introduced some changes in uwatec_smart_parser.c,
specifically, he turned off gasmix support for galileo devices with trimix
firmware, so, if your DCs are trimix you won't have gasmix events althoug
recorded by the galileo.

There is another posibility, as far as had understood libdc code.  I think
you have to set more than one mix in the galileo, (even although they were
the same mix) for libdc to detect them.  So, if you were doing, e.g., a
sidemount dive with the same mix in both tanks and you have set only one
mix you won't have gaschange events too.

All this pending on Jef considerations, off course.

BTW,  Would you be so kind to send me some brief smarttrak log with galileo
dives?  I do not lose hope on a
FarFarFutureToolToTranslateSmarttrakLogsIntoSubsurface.   ;-)


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