On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 07:06:20PM +0200, Robert C. Helling wrote:
> On 11 Jun 2015, at 18:32, Davide DB <dbdav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> > How could local be synced form remote while working if we pull/sync at
> > application start?
> As syncing might take a few seconds we would not freeze the application
> while that happens but rather do it in the background. In those few
> seconds you might have started typing. This of course is no problem when
> the sync is manually triggered and then freezes (I said before I do not
> favour that idea).

I'm OK with you LOOKING at data, I think we should prevent CHANGING the
data while the sync is happening in the background.

> > Do we foresee two workstations working on the same logbook?
> I do this all the time (with office desktop having subsurface open with
> my default logbook almost constantly and then working on the laptop.

So you are our posterchild for then implementing merging :-)


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