I saw this on Twitter and feel compelled to share this here. Sorry, not a
cute cat pictures but the "Development Ideology" of a completely unrelated

From https://github.com/WhisperSystems/TextSecure/blob/master/contributing.md

Development Ideology

Truths which we believe to be self-evident:

-   The answer is not more options. If you feel compelled to add a
    preference that's exposed to the user, it's very possible you've made
    a wrong turn somewhere.
-   The user doesn't know what a key is. We need to minimize the points at
    which a user is exposed to this sort of terminology as extremely as
-   There are no power users. The idea that some users "understand"
    concepts better than others has proven to be, for the most part,
    false. If anything, "power users" are more dangerous than the rest,
    and we should avoid exposing dangerous functionality to them.
-   If it's "like PGP," it's wrong. PGP is our spirit guide for what not
    to do.
-   It's an asynchronous world. Be wary of anything that is
    anti-asynchronous: ACKs, protocol confirmations, or any protocol-level
    "advisory" message.
-   There is no such thing as time. Protocol ideas that require
    synchronized clocks are doomed to failure.

Now admittedly, some of these don't apply to us. But the first one I think
we really need to take to hard. We have way too many options already and
we keep adding more. And we keep adding them because of our believe in
power users. And we make Subsurface harder and harder to use for normal
people because we try to cater to those alleged power users.

Number two is also important. Just replace "key" with "git" when it comes
to our cloud storage. And I'm sure there are some other issues where we
should apply that same principle.

As far as our UI is concerned, I'd like to rephrase number 4.
"If it's like Diving Log then it is wrong. Diving Log is our spirit guide
for what not to do" :-)


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