On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 12:00 PM, Tomaz Canabrava <tcanabr...@kde.org> wrote:
> Just to be sure:
> If I have a dive with divesite "Yellow House" with gps coords
> then I write on it's dive site the name "Leeds", it should reject because I
> have gps coords?

So what I _think_ should happen is that you just create a new
dive-site. You have a completely new dive site with a new name, and
whatever GPS it had from before. Of course, if that "new name and GPS"
then happens to match another dive site, at that point the two
matching ones would be the same.

But I think this depends on the interface. I think there are two very
different models at play, and both are valid:

 (a) when you are editing a dive (or multiple dives) I really think
that you need to automatically (and silently) just create new
divesites when somebody edits things (and this would be true whether
the name changed or the GPS location changed, or both changed).

     So this would be the "quick-edit" thing as part of the dive location.

(b) there's a separate issue of some "dive site management mode" which
is independent of the actual dives.

     So this would be some totally different mode, where you are *not*
editing a dive, but you are doing things like "oh, let's clean up the
name of that divesite that I've been to many times", or "Ugh, I have
ten copies of this dive site, and they differ in minimal ways in
spelling or are 10m apart in the GPS location, I want to merge these
into one single dive site".

I think (a) and (b) are completely different things, and have to work
very differently. When I'm editing a dive and filling in the
information for that dive, doing "dive site management" is absolutely
the *last* thing the interface should do for me. It's why I absolutely
*hated* how subsurface worked when you typed and auto-completed a
dive-site name: it ended up then throwing out the GPS location you
already had, and replacing it with some old dive site data. Which is
really seriously buggered, especially since dive sites with the same
name really are not unusual at all ("blue hole" being the classic
example, but one I know well is "turtle reef", which is something
Lahaina divers uses as a generic name encompassing many different dive
sites, and if you didn't write up the actual specific name, you really
can have "Turtle reef" with GPS locations ten _miles_ apart, rather
than ten _meters_.

And when you have two dives that are ten miles apart, the fact that
they happen to share a name absolutely does *not* mean that they are
the same divesite. It just means that maybe later you might want to
specify the name better. Or maybe you'll never get around to it.

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