On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 03:52:39PM +0200, Davide DB wrote:
> > Happy Bastille day all,
> Happy Bastille to you :)

I hear from my history teachers that it was a very happy day for the
people at the Bstille back then as well...

> > If the dive already has gps data, I can't see the value of autocompleting
> > the name based on other names,  unless the options are limited to sites at
> > about the same location, or sites that don't yet have coordinates. If the
> > user types anything else, it should be a new site.  It really doesn't matter
> > that's there's another site called House Reef or Blue Hole; it's still a
> > different site.
> I see you point. I forgot to mention it in my previous email.
> Actually this involve a "pre-check" or pre-filtering selections once
> GPS data are imported.

This will require a significant amount of code change / code addition.
I'm not saying it can't be done, but I'm not sure we'll have it in the
next version.

> >>
> >> 1. empty location field
> >>
> >> 1.2. GPS data (e.g. from Subsurface web service - dive site with no name)
> >> 1.2.1. user types in name, picks one of the completions
> >> completion has GPS data
> >> completion GPS data fall within a certain range into the 
> >> incoming GPS data
> >>
> >> The dive will reference the dive site already there.
> > Of course. The question is do we want to use the old or new gps coordinates 
> > for the site?
> Good point. I would keep always the same gps data otherwise, 20m at
> the time we could silently drift of 200m after 10 dives there.
> Actually the best option would be to ask to the user...

If the user is just editing a dive and she picks an existing dive site
from the drop down, that should pick that dive site and NOT MODIFY IT.
If the user wants to modify the existing dive site, that needs to happen
in the yet to be implemented dive site management system.

There is one exception to the rule. (Davide forgot to number
this one). User starts with an empty location field but we have GPS data
for this dive, user types in a name, picks an auto completion and the
auto completion has no GPS data. Then and only then should we modify the
auto completion and add the GPS data.

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