On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 1:19 PM, Tomaz Canabrava <tcanabr...@kde.org> wrote:
>> If I start writing "Blu" and it auto-completes to "Blue Corner", then
>> an interface that says "but you mustn't choose that name, because that
>> will screw up your GPS coordinates" is a horrible interface.
> uh... that's not what's happening - it will not screw up your gps
> coordinates.

Note that "I have no GPS, because I haven't done the companion app
sync yet, because I have no internet" can also be important. Because
if that fills in GPS information, then that means that my _future_
sync with the companion app will not fill in the GPS data any more.

See? This is what I was talking about when I said that behavior should
not depend on whether you have synced with the companion app before or
after editing the dive location name. Because there just isn't one
correct case.

Yes, sometimes you want GPS data, because you didn't even have a
companion app running, or you just decide that "yeah, I have a good
enough fix from before".

And sometimes you _don't_ want GPS data, even if you don't have any
yet, because you want to fill it later.

> I'm confused ( really ). if you Write the "Blue Corner" without clicking on
> the list it will create a dive site without gps data, and it seems that's
> what you are saying is the same thing we have.

But I do actually want the name expansion, not the "type it out".

I don't want to write the whole name if I already have it.

For example, the name might not be "Blue Hole". It could be "Laje Dois
Irmâos, Fernando de Noronha, Brazil". Things with special characters
that I figured out after-the-fact, and can't necessarily even type
with my keyboard without looking up the keyboard map (just out of
curiosity, I checked: Right-Alt+6 to get a dead ^, followed by 'a'.
Although apparently it *should* have been 'ã' - Shift-RightAlt-Tidle +
'a' on my keyboard).

Do you really want em to type it out, just because I know I don't want
GPS information, because I'm going to get the GPS info from the
companion app when the internet starts working again? Fernando de
Noronha did have intenet, but it was kind of flaky. Some other places
have been even worse.

So maybe I already have the dive site name, but I do *not* have GPS
location, and I don't *want* GPS location (because I know it I have
better info on my phone, or one of those "Turtle Reef is 20 miles of
west Maui coast-line" things), but I do want to just get

Hey, I use auto-complete for dive buddy names. And that's despite the
fact that the most common dive buddy name I have has four letters.

For something like "Molokini Backwall drift: Reef's End"? Yeah, I'll
auto-complete it, thank you very much.

And I just think that in general, the whole "we have to have a
discussion spread out over several weeks, three different versions,
and people can't even agree on the semantics" is a sign that we should
*not* have some kind of subtle rules and implicit behavior.

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