> I can test on my Galaxy s6, which apparently run on Android 5.02. Well I
> could test it if I knew how.

It will be a great help.

First you should pair the devices manually.
Then you can download and install the application
from here [1] (this is the version which doesn't wait
for scanning process to finish). Then you can start the
application and press the button from the upper right
corner -> Import -> Import from dive computer.

After that you should:
1. select the vendor and the dive computer
2. choose Bluetooth download Mode
3. scan for the devices
4. wait until the scanning process is done (you will receive a log message
when it is done and the Scan button will be enabled)
5. start the Download
6. wait until it is finished (hopefully)

If the download finished with success repeat the
steps without waiting for scanning process to end (step
number 4). In my environment the download process
gets stuck if I don't wait for the scanning task.

Sorry for the UI, but currently it doesn't fit on the screen :).
Anton is probably working to improve it.


[1] -
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