Good evening.

My XML-V3 file can't be loaded, the error messages are related to the
photos hash (which in my case is empty):

/home/boret/boret.xml:35453: parser error : invalid character in attribute value
dia/DATOS/despensa/buceo/buceo-20121230/DSCN6228.JPG' offset='-29:35 min' hash='

/home/boret/boret.xml:35453: parser error : attributes construct error
dia/DATOS/despensa/buceo/buceo-20121230/DSCN6228.JPG' offset='-29:35 min' hash='


The "^" simbol is right under the last " ' ".

Related lines in my file look like these:

boret@imladris:~/src/subsurface$ grep "hash=" ~/boret.xml
  <picture filename='/media/DATOS/despensa/buceo/buceo-20121223/DSCN6197.JPG'
offset='+2:00 min' hash=''/>
  <picture filename='/media/DATOS/despensa/buceo/buceo-20121223/DSCN6198.JPG'
offset='+2:08 min' hash=''/>
  <picture filename='/media/DATOS/despensa/buceo/buceo-20121223/DSCN6207.JPG'
offset='+20:53 min' hash=''/>
  <picture filename='/media/DATOS/despensa/buceo/buceo-20121223/DSCN6208.JPG'
offset='+21:42 min' hash=''/>

I would put my money it wasn't there 2 or 3 days ago, but not sure.


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