I have a question about the Bluetooth download interface.

When selecting import -> Import from dive computer, there are two possibilities:

1) In the MountPoint textbox of the Download panel, the address of the Bluetooth device is shown. It looks like this happens automatically when selecting Shearwater and Petrel from the list of supported DCs. Then one needs to check the checkbox marked "Choose Bluetooth" and hit the Download button to start downloading.

2) When selecting the "Choose Bluetooth" check box, a new panel opens with the full details of the Bluetooth interface, allowing activation of local Bluetooth and scanning for remote Bluetooth devices.

What determines which of these two routes of action is taken? I suspect it is determined, amongst others, by the state of the local Bluetooth interface. If it is switched on, then the Bluetooth address is shown in the MountPoint text box. is this correct? Is it also determined by the DC selected? I suspect some of this information is also stored so that when a download is done, the previous Bluetooth connection device names and setting are used?

Here is a suggestion: In the dropdown list of mount points, add a Bluetooth item. If the Bluetooth item is selected from this dropdown box, it switches on the local Bluetooth device and opens the Bluetooth panel referred to in 2) above. This allows one to do away with the checkbox "Choose Bleutooth".

Kind regards,

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