On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 04:47:53PM +1000, Rick Walsh wrote:
> > I'm especially interested in
> >
> > a) does it work on Windows 10
> >
> Yes!

Nice. I now have what looks like it might be a working debug environment
in a Windows 10 VM. Cool.

> > b) does it work with Subsurface cloud storage
> >
> It appears to work from within Subsurface (I can save and open it, and it
> remembers changes), but cloud webview doesn't appear to have updated after
> ~10 min.
> Thinking perhaps maybe it was just reading the local git divelog, I renamed
> C:\Users\Rick\AppData\Local\Subsurface\Subsurface, and opened from cloud,
> forcing it to download everything.  Download worked, but it was my old
> log.  Saving had failed.  The dive logs were completely different (the
> version I had on Windows had some newer dives, no older dives, no saved
> notes, one bogus location and the rest without locations).  Not surprised
> if git struggled to merge them.

So things got completely messed up? I'm not sure if I follow all the steps
/ state here.

> Attempting to give it a simple merge, I started with the cloud log that had
> loaded, and edited the notes of one dive.  Subsurface crashed.
> I reproduced this twice by:
> 1. Open from cloud
> 2. Edit note, buddy, etc. for a dive
> 3. Apply changes and it crashes

So that's the bug that was fixed this morning. I'll kick of new builds in
a moment.

> I can't test this on Linux, because I can't open from or save to cloud....

And that I still don't understand. No one else seems to have that
particular problem.

Cloud storage is really bringing up a lot of "interesting" issues...

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