I have three issues with a very recent git master (SHA c4eb957).

1) Entering coordinates by hand.
When I enter GPS coordinates by hand, Subsurface often loses some of these,
even though they were shown correctly before closing down Subsurface and I
exited Subsurface with a Save divelog command. Inspecting the XML shows
that several divesite location entries were created, typically with
identical names and identical uuids, both WITHOUT GPS coordinates; and then
a third entry with exactly the same name as the previous two but WITH the
GPS coordinates. Here is an example:

<site uuid='d3b62d9f' name='Ventura, Santa Cruz Island, Cavern Point,
California' gps='34.055880 -119.566110'/>
<site uuid='d3b62d9f' name='Ventura, Santa Cruz island, Cavern Point,
<site uuid='d3b62d9f' name='Ventura, Santa Cruz island, Cavern Point,

Eliminating the two 'bogus' entries by hand solves all the coordinates
problems and all dives then show the appropriate coordinates. There are two
issues here. My feeling is that, when a dive location is saved with
coordinates, it should first check if already-existing sites have exactly
that same dive site name (case insensitive) and then follow a standard rule
on how to deal with this situation. But creating yet another location is
clearly inappropriate. Maybe, (1) when entering coordinates by hand, the
user needs to understand the rules Subsurface uses when entering this info
by hand. (2) or it is user error because I mostly enter the dive site name
into the appropriate text box then save the change (because clicking the
orange bar with the new location name does not do anything), then provide
the coordinates in the dive site panel then save again. So every time I
save, it creates a new location. In this case it is user ignorance. But
then we need to specify the appropriate procedure explicitly in the manual.
I would prefer automatic overwrite of duplicate dive site names. However, I
am not sure what the most appropriate way forwards with this is. It would
be nice if V4.5 had this solved.

2) After everything is shown correctly by editing of the XML, and I wish to
inspect the present location information by clicking the globe icon the the
right of the dive location name, the location panel is not opened. It is
not possible to review this information.

3) For several recent versions of Subsurface, the marble panel is
black/blank. When highlighting dives that used to be shown perfectly on the
map, there is nothing now. I build the above version from scratch by
creating an empty src directory, cloning the subsurface git master and
rebuilding. Stll no solution.

Kind regards,
subsurface mailing list

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