Three issues:

I add a dive manually, type in the location text box a town like Durban.
Then I say Apply Changes.
Then I hit the globe on the right of the Coordinates text box. Dive
location panel opens.

Given the existing dive site of Durban, then I try a reverse lookup by
again hitting the globe  button:
and I get:

no reverse geo lookup; geonames returned
no reverse geo lookup; geonames returned

Setting the dive site id on the dive: 4245881241
no reverse geo lookup; geonames returned
no reverse geo lookup; geonames returned

In addition, it gives a red message bar at the bottom of the screen hat

Geonames.orgt did not supply reverse lookup information.

I see in my browser and the towns or cities (e.g. Durban) I
use are listed on

I am at a loss about what to do or write for the manual.

When I manually add a dive and type a town name, several similar-looking
town names are listed. I select one by double-clicking on the appropriate
option in the dropdown list of town names. BUT: what is the function of the
black button with the +? In theory, if I single-click on it, it should
insert the appropriate town name in the dive site text box. But this does
not work. A double click is required. In addition, sometimes, more than one
option has a + button on the right. How is the interface supposed to
function? See attached image.

If I add a dive manually, add a dive site, Apply this information, then hit
the globe button to open the dive site dialogue, there is a text box  with
Dive sites on same coordinates. But this list of dive sites lists just
about all the dive sites I have dived at. I know that coordinates have not
been provided yet, and how can Subsurface know which sites are close to
Durban without knowing Durban's coordinates? My feeling is that this text
box should be empty until coordinates have been provided.

Kind regards,
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