> On Oct 10, 2015, at 2:27 AM, Guido Lerch <guido.le...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If you guys agree I submit this as my app, not use any ssrf code and just 
> read from the cloud storage.
> V1 would only be dive details, no profile, hence this is reading some stuff 
> and displaying.

So I have talked to quite a few people about this and while the FSF seems to 
come out that the iTunes store is incompatible with the GPL, there are quite a 
apps in there that are GPL based and I found a couple that explained their 
why they thought this was acceptable.

My plan had been to get the Android app to a reasonable state and then bring
the discussion to the mailing list. I'm inclined to say that if "the vast 
majority of
the contributors" agree that they can live with the FSF's objections (because
frankly, I find them rather silly), then we should add the necessary glue layer
to port Subsurface-mobile to IOS. The nice thing about the way we are building
Subsurface-mobile (with a QML UI) is that in theory this should be fairly 

The big challenges would be the BT / FTDI download and features like that,
but the core of the app should port quite easily.

So if you would like to investigate that, I would suggest that route instead
of starting from scratch.


> Am 10.10.2015 um 11:25 schrieb Robert C. Helling <hell...@atdotde.de 
> <mailto:hell...@atdotde.de>>:
>> Guido,
>>> On 10 Oct 2015, at 10:51, Guido Lerch <guido.le...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:guido.le...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> That would show the cloud storage stored dive details ?
>>> If not I would start something - Dirk, any objections?
>> the main obstacle seems to be that the appstore legalise is incompatible 
>> with GPL. So you should not use and GPL licensed code (e.g. the subsurface 
>> code) and submit it to he Apple Appstore. Or you find a way around this.
>> And yes, I would love to have an iOS version of subsurface on my phone!
>> Best
>> Robert
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