I do the following:
Create new dive using log->Add dive
I provide name for an existing dive site and hit Apply changes
Edit coordinates in dive site info panel by hitting the globe button (these happen to be existing coordinates)
Type existing coordinates (this generates some warnings in the terminal)
Hit Discard changes: do not accept the information
Exit Subsurface.
Subsurface gives segfault.
Here is the terminal output:

Setting a New dive site
Setting the dive site id on the dive: 304245814
Warning, two different dive sites with same name have a different id 2893376900 and 304245814 Warning, two different dive sites with same name have a different id 2893376900 and 304245814 Warning, two different dive sites with same name have a different id 2893376900 and 304245814 Warning, two different dive sites with same name have a different id 2893376900 and 304245814 Warning, two different dive sites with same name have a different id 2893376900 and 304245814 Warning, two different dive sites with same name have a different id 2893376900 and 304245814 Warning, two different dive sites with same name have a different id 2893376900 and 304245814 Warning, two different dive sites with same name have a different id 2893376900 and 304245814
cannot open "/home/willem/subsurface/hashes"
*** Error in `./subsurface': double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x00000000025be950 ***
Aborted (core dumped)

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