On 12 October, 2015 - Davide DB wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 9:59 AM, Anton Lundin <gla...@acc.umu.se> wrote:
> >
> > If you're on a really bad deco gas, ie a fat bottom gas, and have a huge
> > deco the TTS at that point will be enormous.
> I'm not on a bad deco gas :)

16/60 is a pretty shitty deco gas =)

> > One idea would be to cap the TTS calculations in such a point to say,
> > its 100min+ or something, to have it terminate in resonable time.
> >
> I copy my original question:
> > I plan and calculate deco on the fly via ratio deco. I'm noticing that
> > my profiles are always compliant with Bulhmann 20/85 except (maybe)
> > for the end of the dive. Of course the profile ends when I surface and
> > It's really a shame being able to analyze the entire profile but
> > missing the last part info. From what I see I always respect the 20/85
> > GF constraints but probably I "cut" the last oxygen part. I don't know
> > if I missed 30 minute at 6 meters or just five minutes. I was
> > wondering if there is a quick smart way to understand how much deco,
> > eventually, I omitted in a real profile.
> > Robert told me that the easiest way to answer my question is just
> > enabling to copy the dive in the planner module.
> Robert implemented this feature copying a real profile to the planner
> (my kudos to him). Actually it's not very intuitive and easy to use.
> I was just asking to know how much deco I missed, e.g. what my TTS was
> when I decided to quit?
> Actually this feature already exist (Show/NDL/TTS) but I was not able
> to see it working with my typical profiles:
> three deco gases/ 2h-3h runtime. See the attachment.

Yea, the thing is that the TTS calculations doesn't do gas switches, and
thats pretty much by design.

IE during your 80m phase, you have a TTS which is enormous, because it
calculates how long it would take you to reach the surface on the gas
your currently on.

My suggestion here is that we cap the TTS at something like 120 min, and
abort the calculations if its longer than that, to limit the amount of
calculations needed to be done during that phase.

Yea, someone might be interested in knowing that their TTS is 1200 min or
so, but its not that useful. Its just a waste of cpu.


Anton Lundin    +46702-161604
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