> On Nov 13, 2015, at 1:59 PM, Lubomir I. Ivanov <neolit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I quite like what you have done in the delegate. I'd like to split viewing 
>> and
>> editing dives into separate UIs, one optimized for viewing, one optimized for
>> editing (e.g. showing the profile in the editing page is not very useful, on
>> the other hand the TextEdit widgets in the details view make it visually 
>> quite
>> heavy. We should probably do something like to the current details delegate
>> (and repurpose / cut down the current detailswidget purely for editing.
> for the main application something which was an important topic at
> some point in time (discussions between Dirk and Tomaz mostly) was to
> be able to edit in place. this can be seen in the MainTab class ATM.
> so i'm not sure if everyone will agree on a separate dive edit page
> for the mobile UI, but this can be solved with a DiveEdit overlay of
> sorts - i.e. when you swipe the ListView to a dive, click over the
> details and a rectangle opens on top of static texts with some
> TextEdit fields...or a DiveEdit can simply replace the static text
> container until the editing is finished. not sure about the exact
> implications and if this is the best choice.

I was quite adamant that I wanted in place editing on the desktop.
It just feels natural. On the mobile app I'll be happy to accept what's
reasonable or what gives us the most maintainable / most user friendly

The overlay technique you propose sounds interesting, but also quite
fragile. So if we have an edit button and then the profile is removed and
we change elects around to make the data entry easier, I'm ok with that.

> BTW, i'm getting a crash on Win32 when i build the mobile application.
> it says that the main application rectangle is wrong and enters a long
> loop of allocating GB of memory, until it runs out.

Intersting. I admit I never tried that :-)

> if i manually set "width" and "height" in the ApplicationWindow of
> main.qml it ignores them but it runs in a huge window!
> the UI looks quite bad here, but that's probably because i'm using the
> Windows XP them on Windows 7. :-)

So you are saying it fits perfectly with the rest of your experience?
(sorry, couldn't resist).

Yeah, the UI on the desktop does look awkward, but to me that's
nothing more than having the ability to build and do quick tests,
the target platforms are Android and iOS here...

> any idea how to run the UI in a reasonable desktop resolution e.g. 480x800px?

Not a clue :-)

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