Hey Sebastian...

I have ordered your list below in what I think is a ROUGH priority order
and indicated the things that I plan to work on myself...

On Thu, Dec 03, 2015 at 07:04:55PM +0000, Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> We received pretty useful feedback during the testing of the latest mobile ui 
> changes. Here's a list of my notes of things which need doing:


> - add dive, then hit back button crashes (remove for now, sort out adding 
> dives later)
> - edit / paste thing doesn't work in listviews 
> http://trac.subsurface-divelog.org/ticket/977

> - cloud storage login page in just one column, clips on narrow screen 
> otherwise

This is something I wanted to work on tonight or tomorrow.

> - switch to divelist once everything's downloaded

You already do this - what I think you mean is "once cloud storage
credentials are entered, download the dive list"? If that's what you mean,
then that's high priority and something I intend to implement.


> - more swipe pixels on the LHS should make it easier to swipe drawer in
> - fix divedetails image sizing artifacts

I think I addressed some of this, but there's more work needed where I
just don't understand what's going on.

> - indication for download in process and finished (Q_PROPERTY?)
> - clean up and reshuffle menu options
> - clean up context menu's broken features
> - split edit and view dive details
> - Reorganization of UI: showing vs. editing (showing has priority for now), 
>   (edit could become the current page until that is redone as well)
> - left-swiping to "scroll dives"

(that should be "left- and right-swiping to switch between dives")


> - new photo for sidebar
> - sidebar photo also loaded in low-res
> - higher resolution for svg icons (!)

disagree / don't do this:

> - title becomes "Subsurface", remove the "mobile"

No, we really want to have the distinction between Subsurface and
Subsurface-mobile. I don't think it's a smart move to call this Subsurface
as well as it will drive us insane when people talk about "issues with
Subsurface" or "problem running Subsurface"... And fundamentally, they are
two different applications!

don't understand:

> - make preferences "login" or "connect"

What do you mean by that?

> - rework dive details page (see sketch on paper)

I guess I haven't seen that sketch :-)

OK, I hope this helps moving things along.
Others, if you are working on any of these items or have opinions on
priority, etc, please speak up!

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