Hallo Joachim...

> On Dec 19, 2015, at 10:34 AM, Joachim Herrmann <martinaundjoc...@outlook.de> 
> wrote:
> Dear subsurface developpers, 
> I am a user of your Desktop application. Today I had the idea to use your 
> cloud-service to access my dives on my android phone. 

Excellent idea!

> SO I got myself an account and confirmed it through email. 
> After installing the app on my phone  I entered my User Id, checked that the 
> API URL is correct and did everything I could think of with the same result : 
> „no dives“. 

Here is where you went wrong, but it's not your fault.
We are working furiously on getting the new Subsurface-mobile Android app 
ready. But what you can install from the Google Play store right now, 
unfortunately, is still just our old "Companion App". All this app is designed 
to do is to store GPS locations while on a dive boat. So the web account it is 
talking about is NOT the cloud storage but a different web service that we 
developed a few years ago that simply allows you to sync GPS fixes with your 
matching dives. Very useful, but not what you are looking for.

If you are interested you could test the development version of 
Subsurface-mobile. It's still a little rough around the edges but is making 
great progress. You can download it here:

We'd love to hear feedback about it. On some phones, for reasons we don't 
understand, yet, the icons are just black squares. It would be useful for us to 
know if this happens to you.

All the best

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