Apologies for a long mail. It looks like one should be careful when changing the name of an existing divesite using the GUI. If the new dive site name is not listed in the divesite list at the beginning of the dive log, the present coordinates are cleared and a new divesite is created in the divesite list. I have frequently edited the divesite list in the dive log with a text editor, changing the XML divesite names and coordinates directly as I see fit because then I know exactly what I am doing, e.g. merging two divesites under a single name (quite interesting hash management) or providing a new name for an existing divesite. But this is a risky approach for several reasons. So I am trying to get more information so that I can perhaps update the user manual with info on how to deal with this type of situation.

On the DESKTOP Subsurface: If I wish to change the dive site to a new one, it is clear: specify the new name, save it, specify the coordinates appropriately and save again. But let's say I want to change the divesite from *Anacapa* to *Ventura: Anacapa* or any other dive site name taxonomy I want to use. The moment I type the different name, I break the connection with the coordinates stored in the XML divesite list at the start of the dive log. So, the safest strategy is possibly to display the coordinates of the existing site before changing anything, save coordinates to the clipboard or any other safe place, change the locality from Anacapa to Ventura: Anacapa, save the new name, paste the coordinates back into the appropriate field and save again. So effectively, a totally new XML entry is created in the divesite list at the start of the dive log. But is there anyway to change the divesite name in the existing XML divesite entry in the log (i.e. changing the existing entry and without creating a new entry)? The moment when one starts implementing a fixed taxonomy for dive site names, e.g. USA/California/Ventura/Anacapa then this becomes a much more pressing issue.

On the MOBILE app, what is the situation? Exactly the same as for the desktop program? Do both the desktop program and the mobile app maintain a coherent XML divesite namelist at the start of the dive log saved on the Cloud? Is the list of divesites at the start of the dive log maintained in exactly the same way by the mobile app and are new XML divesite entries created for new divesite names? What happens if I give a new name to an existing dive site? The practical problem arises when one has tagged the existing dives with coordinates collected by the mobile app and several sites are labeled *Auto-created dive*. At this stage one would wish to change the name of the divesite to something understandable. It looks like if one changes the divesite name in the edit panel of the mobile app, the coordinates are lost. This is a very similar situation to that in the paragraph above (dealing with the desktop program). I changed divesite names on the mobile app and then re-tagged the dives from the divesite server. But this did not go well and several dive sites kept the coordinates of our home, not divesite coordinates. I tried reversing the order, first typing in the locality names then doing geo-tagging, but the tagging was not successful. What is the best approach?

The issue, I think is to maintain the sanity of divesite information at the start of the dive log without creating a zillion new entries that are unlikely to be used again.
Kind regards,

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