I took some time out to test the latest Daily (802) on my "problem child" Note 
4 in a (slightly) formal manner.

Clean install:
Initial setup of cloud credentials - wrong ID or password returns to opening 
screen, expected to return to credentials entry. Not a real issue, but possibly 
confusing to a new user.
Dive list opened OK.
Walked the dive list, returning to dive list each time - no issues.
Walked the dive list using left/right swipe - slight pause at end of 
transition, but otherwise no issues.
GPS preferences - back button non-functional. Left swipe returns to dive list, 
from there right swipe goes back to GPS prefs. Back button in dive list closes 
GPS prefs screen.
App log - as GPS prefs.
Theme information - as GPS prefs.
The above three combine to open additional screens to the right, consuming a 
press of the back button each.
Edit mode - no issues.
Add dive manually - No cylinder information can be entered. This really should 
be there (including start/end pressure). On completion, there was a long delay, 
and network traffic - is the mobile app now syncing automagically?
After manually adding a dive, the second last dive no longer displayed a 
profile until app restarted. I'll try and reproduce this later (need to delete 
the manual addition).
Screen rotation occassionally results in a pseudo split screen, where a swipe, 
or a select on the partial dive list is required to see the dive details.
I currently can't fully test the GPS service, but it seems to work (fixes show 
in the list).
David Tillotson
subsurface mailing list

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