Test of version on Android 5.1.1

Remove existing app and all data.
Raw install from Playstore. ok.
Supply credentials. ok.
Load divelist from cloud. ok. Quite acceptable speed, around 10 seconds for 212 dives.
Scroll to bottom of dive list.
********* Same problem as previously reported: parts of screen is white. This is worse if one scrolls rapidly.
Scroll among dives in Details view. ok.
View dive location on Google Maps. ok.
Create dive by hand and save. ok
********* Having checked "Use current GPS location" for this manually-added dive, the dive site name is not underlined in the details view and one cannot check the location on Google maps. However, the location is recorded as I can see the location after loading the dive list from mobile via cloud onto the desktop version.
Details view of newly-created dive otherwise ok.
Scroll horizontally among detail views of dives ok.
Save dive list to cloud. ok.
Download dive list from cloud onto desktop version ok, can see manually added dive, including coordinates.
Delete manually-added dive from mobile app. ok.
Download GPS fixes from cloud ok.
View list of GPS fixes ok, except see comments below.
Delete GPS fix ok.
View location of GPS fix on Google Maps ok.
********* I gave the GPS part of the software a thorough test during the last two weeks of diving (but not using this very latest version of Subsurface-mobile). But the bugs reported then still remain. Times of GPS fixes are not parsed correctly, resulting in a semi-ordered list with early dives (07h00-09h00) ABOVE more recent dives (10h00-16h00). What about using 24h time notation rather than am/pm? Secondly, GPS coordinates are rounded to three digits, when downloading, thus losing three digits of accuracy on the original GPS fixes.

In general, there is still the problem of starting Subsurface-mobile on Android 5.1.1, most of the time it crashes but its starts ok on the 3rd/4th/5th try. It seems to help if one first kills all the existing running apps, found when one taps the bottom-left system button of the Android 5.1.1 device and one kills all windows of previously-active apps. This is after closing Subsurface-mobile by hitting "Back" while the dive list is shown (I hope I make sense). So maybe this is a system interaction. Will it help when Subsurface-mobile is closed, to make sure it is really killed? But I nevertheless get no easily-repeatable procedure for activating the app in a reliable way. I just mention these things in the hope that it may lead someone with lateral vision to see the source of this crash.

Kind regards,

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