> On Jan 1, 2017, at 7:06 PM, Fede Masias <fedemas...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Late 2012 MacBook, running 10.11.6. Grabbed the 10.9+ image.

Great. Thanks.

> Facebook integration works fine for uploading, but I don't see the button to 
> disconnect from my Facebook account -- I've not used the FB feature before, 
> so I'm not sure if this is a known behavior. 

Known bug. No one has spent the time to make this look better / act more 
Now that I have QWebKit working for Qt 5.7 (THANK YOU THIAGO for pointing out 
that this does indeed just compile. DUH), it's something I should look into.
Would file an issue for that on github? :-)

> Printing works, though manually written notes for an individual dive show 
> <br> tags instead of actually printing onto a new line. Also not a feature I 
> use often, so not sure if this is new or not. 

Uh, I thought we had fixed that. Gehad or (more likely, since Gehad isn't 
around much) Lubomir, any chance you could look into that?

> Otherwise, everything looks to run fine. I manually added a fake dive, and 
> played around in the planner for a bit and nothing looked off to me. I don't 
> have a huge catalog of dives in subsurface so I'd imagine it'd run a bit 
> faster for me than some others? In any case, I can play around some more 
> tonight and report back if anything is broken. 

That's much appreciated.

Thank you


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