Robert, it appears you were involved with import from Smarttrac.  Please
give me a skeleton of text that I can use for the user-manual? Is it a web
service? Can it be accessed from within Subsurface? Kind regards,

On 04 Jan 2017 23:46, "Anton Lundin" <> wrote:

On 04 January, 2017 - Dirk Hohndel wrote:

> > On Jan 3, 2017, at 11:43 PM, Anton Lundin <> wrote:
> >
> > On 04 January, 2017 - Willem Ferguson wrote:
> >
> >> On 04/01/2017 08:40, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
> >>> I don't think I have a single profile with all three, but I attached
an XML file with two dives that have two each, covering all three between
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Thanks
> >>>
> >>> /D
> >>
> >> I attach a profile of one of my dives. This has another symbol, the
> >> small red flag. This is issued by my Galileo, indicating the start
> >> of safety stop (in this case after some deco). Does this mean we
> >> have a total of four possible symbols on the dive profile?
> >>
> >
> > Thats the "bookmark" flag. It sounds bug-ish to show safety stop / deco
> > stop indicators as "bookmark's".
> >
> >
> > We used to show heading events too, but after a quick glance i couldn't
> > figure out why we don't show them any longer.
> Because several dive computers have a heading event in every single
> Lets just say the profile became unreadable.

Could be a interesting task for someone who likes profile-work to figure
out a sane way to visualize that information.


Anton Lundin    +46702-161604
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