Hallo Dirk,

Am 07.01.2017 um 16:07 schrieb Dirk Hohndel:
>> On Jan 7, 2017, at 2:36 AM, Stefan Fuchs <sfu...@gmx.de> wrote:
>> Hello Dirk,
>> maybe the best thing you can do quickly was sending this mail ;-)
>> But how many users do really read the mailing list?
> I also posted to Facebook, where we usually get a few thousand impressions 
> (but the Beta 2 announcement plus reminder only got a combined 400 so far)
I see your point. I - as usually - completely ignored the existence and
possible importance of Facebook.
So then maybe no one interested in scuba diving related stuff at the
moment. Everyone skiing?! Yesterday at Überlingen they also had less
divers than expected...
>> Then maybe also mention the availability of beta version and also of daily 
>> builds in the "Download" section (for every language!) or maybe even under 
>> "Home".
>> In the future would it be possible to use two different update channels 
>> (release, beta) like Mozilla is doing for Firefox and Thunderbird?
> I'm not even sure how this would work, but that said, the VAST majority of 
> our users turns off the update reminder. So I don't think that's an option.
I didn't recognize up to now that it's possible to switch off the
reminder. I personally wouldn't like to do this.
Meanwhile it came to my mind that changing the update reminder in a way
that it also shows a possible beta version would be already an improvement.
But if you are right and most people switch this off it's really useless.
>> BTW: I'm running 4.6 beta 2 on Windows and just a few minutes ago imported 
>> my last dive from Lake Konstanz from yesterday! ;-)
> Excellent. Which dive computer are you using?
I'm using an "old" OSTC 2N.
I was mainly focusing on the planner during the last days because as you
know there were a few fixes done. Beside this I also use the cloud
storage meanwhile and I'm able to push my dives into the cloud and then
see them on subsurface-mobile on a iPad.
At the moment I just wonder what Robert, Tomaz and you are discussing
about planner preferences but as usually I don't understand anything. I
would volunteer to test any upcoming change in the planner again because
I love the planner and it's important for me that it works fine.


Best regard


Stefan Fuchs
Banzhaldenstr. 66
70469 Stuttgart
E-Mail: sfu...@gmx.de <mailto:sfu...@gmx.de>

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