On 7 January 2017 at 22:14, Stefan Fuchs <sfu...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Hi Rick,
> Am 06.01.2017 um 03:24 schrieb Rick Walsh:
>> Do you feel like implementing the rock bottom gas feature and sending a
> patch?
> I have to start with the unhappy part of my answer: I would like to send a
> patch but unfortunately I won't be able to. I already failed multiple times
> during my life to teach myself even basic application programming skills.
> To explain in other words: I'm an electronics hw engineer. ;-)

Well I'm a geotechnical engineer, so what's your excuse :p

I've been happy enough typing 'make' on the Linux command line to build
someone else's software for years, but other than messing with Excel macros
to make my work easier, I had no coding experience until I noticed the dive
plan table wasn't always output correctly, and I had a go at fixing it.
After quite a few attempts, and a lot of Robert's patience, my first
patches were merged.

Seriously, thank you for testing, suggesting improvements, and reassuring
me and Robert that we're not the only ones that use and value the planner.

> So I have to hope for s.o. like you, Robert, Dirk,... starting to like my
> idea and writing a patch :-)
> I'm interested in hearing Robert's feedback on your suggestion, but would
be happy to implement it when I get a chance (and that's been far too
rarely lately) after 4.6 is out.


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