
There are a few things that can be changed to make it much more efficient.

There are too many colours. Normally a bar graph like you show would be
used to indicate different exclusive classes with each colour. For
instance, your bar graph could indicate Open-circuit dives, CCR dives and
snorkle/free dives. An OC dive cannot be a CCR dive. etc. So the colours
need to be simplified.

A bar graph like you indicated are not normally used to depict
Min/Mean/Max. Please notice the term "Mean", not "Average". "Mean" is the
statistically correct term: the term "Average" is not a recognised
statistical term because it can be on of many different meanings. Look at
the example that I quickly threw together as attached. This is the sort of
graph that is used to indicate Min/Mean/Max. Only a single colour is used
for one graph, because Min, Mean and Max all refer to the same variable, in
this case either SAC or Depth.

In the case of Depth it would also make sense to have the depth on the
Y-axis increase from the top to the bottom.

You have no idea how this work of yours is going to contribute to the
visual appeal of Subsurface! It is amazing. Thank you.

Kind regards,
subsurface mailing list

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