On 07/07/2017 17:08, Davide DB wrote:

Very nice.
This could be a starting point for a new "map view" feature in an
upcoming Subsurface.
In my idea we should just display clusters: when user click on one
cluster the map zoom showing eventually other cluster until at a
certain zoom level he sees only dives.
In this Map view if I hoover on a dive spot I get a small box with
main dive details (just imagine what we have for a item in our mobile
dive list). The dive name it's a link/button which brings me to the
dive details. I mean that I will abandon the Map View and I swith to
our classic view.

To avoid to forget this idea I copied it on Github:




The cluster icons are so large and with so many colours that they actually seriously disrupt the map. Is there a way to remove the concentric, fading rings around each cluster and to make the the clusters the same colour? Although the present red flags on the Marble map cannot represent clusters, they are discreet enough not to disrupt the map (most of the time). I would envision a small, round, red disk that is large enough to contain any information that is relevant, noting more (probably no. dives in the cluster)? When zooming into a cluster, the individual dives eventually show up (perhaps with a custom symbol)??

The other concern that I have is that on several of the sites with these maps, the update of the map was rather slow when one zooms or pans (using quad core CPU). But I am not aware how much of that is due to Internet access behind the scene and how much of it is due to slow updates in itself.

Kind regards,


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