I must preface this expressing my pleasure in seeing what is happening with Subsurface-mobile version 2. The enormous effort that is going into this and the incredible difference that it makes to the usability of the program. I am privileged to be associated with this team that is creating a remarkable piece of software.

I experience that there are fundamental problems with manipulating dive lists on the mobile platform.

1) See screencast at


using This playback speed is at a THIRD of the live speed.

View dive list.

Delete a dive

Go back to dive list

Select another dive and hit delete button at bottom.

Display goes to *previous deleted* dive and the second dive is not deleted at all. Looks like delete sequence is not even started.

Hitting the Android Back button (to get back to the dive list) crashes the program.

Fortunately, upon restart of the program, no dives are deleted.

I can supply adb logcat if required.

2) When deleting a dive/profile from the button at the screen bottom, the undo option only shows up for about 1 second. This is way too short for an unprepared user to respond appropriately. And then the dive is (theoretically) permanently deleted. Extremely user-unfriendly. The interface would be much more safe if the 1-second button rather said: "Confirm delete". Noticed the steps in Github that are required to delete a repo? You must really be convinced to do this in order to delete a repo, no way of doing that accidentally. I am pretty conversant with the mobile UI and on a few occasions my finger has managed to accidentally stray to the dustbin under a dive profile. And then the "Undo" button comes up, out of the blue, and I am so startled that I do not respond in time. Dive gone.

3) I intentionally deleted four dives from my dive log (using dive list and red button) in order to test the delete option. Then I tried to regain them by doing a "Save to cloud" from my desktop. Nice, divelog saved. Then I do a "Sync with cloud" on the mobile but the four dives do not come back. No way of get them back, except by uninstalling Subsurface-mobile on Android and doing a complete reinstallation, re-initialising the cloud credentials and reloading the divelog from scratch. My four dives are back.

I am just thinking how an unfamiliar user will struggle with this interface. My firm suggestions are:

a) On Android, the "Sync with cloud" tries to be too clever and as far as I can see does not succeed. As user I would be much more happy if I had complete control with two more options: "Save to cloud" and "Load from cloud". These are unambiguous with clearly predictable results.

b) Make the delete dive action more safe. Dive data are valuable, often with significant time spent in writing notes, specifying cylinder pressures (that are lost upon delete) and the like. One does not want to lose a dive accidentally.

There is such an intense flurry of Subsurface-mobile activity at the moment, I hope some of the above can be addressed before the next major release.

Kind regards,


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