On 22/07/2017 07:36, Dirk Hohndel wrote:

Separate comment to actually address the idea here...

(1) screen space: couldn't agree more. Terrible. I'm ok with going away from the floating window as that will help a little, and as I just said, maybe turn off the ActionButton (maybe depending on screen size? I don't know). (2) the autosave one is tricky. Quite a few times you have told me "don't do pop-ups, don't do positive confirmation dialogs". Yet that's exactly what you are asking for here. Why is this OK here, but not ok for delete? Or for saving settings?

Look at attached image. If the grey banner area above the input (image on left) is removed and the keyboard is adjusted for efficient screen use, then the situation improves quite a bit (image on right).

Kind regards,


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